When you have a cold, sometimes you'll do the weirdest things to try to feel better.
Remember that weird sound Felix Unger used to make in the movie "The Odd Couple?" (at 00:39) Well, that's what using a Neti pot makes me want to do.
Freaky FREAKY weird feeling. The jury is still out on whether there is any improvement.
UPDATE: It works! It actually works. I tried it once yesterday evening and only had to blow my nose twice between 7:00 p.m. and midnight. As opposed to the every 15 minute schedule my snout was on all day. Tried it again at lunchtime today and same result. Every 15 - 20 minutes with the "HONK!" all morning and since lunch? ONCE.
My top tips: 1) Make sure the water is body temp. Any cooler and you can FEEL EVERY DROP PASS THROUGH YOUR SINUSES. Not fun. 2) as soon as you break the seal in the "in" nostril, exhale through your nose gently, so none of the solution goes down the back of your throat. 3) Do not attempt this on a first date.
thanks for the reminder. i've got a neti pot here somewhere. i should get it out and snorfle a bit. it might do something for my pore old sinuses.
My friend has one of these and swears by it. Probably swears when using it, too.
I'm afraid to ask what you're supposed to do with that....
Why, you rinse out your sinuses with it. You lean over a sink, tilt your head to one side and stuff the oddly shaped spout in one nostril. The water pours through your sinuses and out the other nostril. And yes, it is just as BIZARRE feeling as that sounds.
But it works. Friggin' thing works. Who knew?
I would totally drown TO DETH trying to use one of those...
That's what I thought! But you just breathe through your mouth and try not to panic...
You do WHAT?
I KNOW. I am a woman of many, many talents.
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