One for the Canucks

Remember this?
Update for the non-Canucks — This is a National Film Board animated short that used to run on CBC television during the late 1980's, featuring a Canadian folk song, Wade Hemsworth's Log Driver's Waltz sung by Kate and Anna McGarrigle.
It is, indeed, a classic. What? We can't all be James Blunt, you know.
A classic!
Absolutely classic.
I went to a movie in the 80's - might have been some Schwarzenegger (sp?) flick, can't remember - anyway, they ran this as the opening short.
You should have heard the cheers. Almost as loud as for the Popeye movie they showed at a Yes concert I went to.
Now, of course, I will have the song stuck in my head all day.
I used to absoultely hate this song when I was younger, but then it just grew on me and now I love it. I ended up picking up a dvd from Amazon that has all these NFB shorts on them and it's just great. :)
HEY!! jen stole my comment. evil jen.
i too have found a DVD with all of these classic canadian short animated films on it. it rules my skool.
I stole it eh? Whatcha gonna do about it?
But then I'm a self-confessed post stealer, searching everyone else's blogs for cool stuff and ideas to put on mine, so I deserve whatever I have coming to me.
jen - you should try stealing from everyone's blogs and then putting it on your own non-existant blog. Much more (or less, who can tell?) satisfying.
Has everyone not seen Ricardipus' non-existant blog? It's ace!
I myself have also not seen such a non-existent [sic] blog what doesn't exist and isn't there either.
This is my theory, and it is mine too.
Well, I have to admit that I stole your content... Although I did give credit where credit is due. :P I hadn't seen that short in years! I love it!
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