Saturday, May 29, 2010

Would I kid(ney) you?

These two items were posted, side by each, on the BBC website t'other day. Srsly.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

I know this is old, but it makes me laugh. And doesn't it reflect most sibling relationships?

Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who is a mother, has a mother, had a mother... I think that covers everyone?

Friday, May 07, 2010

Greece is the word

And in the coinkidink department:

So, Greece is in the news because of their financial woes.

A co-worker is going on a cruise on a real, gurt big cruise ship. Many moons ago, in high school (Jurassic era), I went on an educational cruise to the Mediterranean, which included Greece, of course. It being an education cruise, it wasn't terribly luxurious. We sailed on a troop ship that had been converted into an education cruise ship. I use the term "converted" loosely. So I went a-Gooooogling for a picture of the ship to show her, as a laugh. I found a site created by someone who had worked on the ship and was on her last voyage to Kaohsiung (Taiwan) to be scrapped.

I posted a link to the site on Faceboooook as I have recently gotten in touch with some high school buddies, some of whom were on that cruise.

While on Faceboooook, I noticed a post by a friend who is running in a fundraiser marathon in Athens. So I asked, Athens, Greece or Athens, Ontario? Greece, she replies.

On my way home from work, I stopped at the supermarket where I ran into an old drinking buddy I haven't seen in years and he tells me he and his wife are going on a trip to... wait for it... Greece.

I get home. Go back on Facebook. And there's a comment from a high school buddy who had been on that cruise asking me how I found that site.

Coinkidink? You be the judge... But I'm checking the air fare to Greece, just in case the universe is trying to tell me something...

UPDATE I was just editing the sidebar and noticed the clock is not showing the right time. Went to, saw a link for "#1 free blog clock" and, curious, clicked on it so see which one is chosen most. And the time zone of the sample clock? Athens, Greece.

UPDATED UPDATE Link to the cruise ship site now repaired. Ooopsies!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

The one