I weirded out a fellow blogger yesterday evening.
She's a local who now lives in the US and is fairly well known in the blogging world. I knew she was in the province because she's been blogging about it, but never expected to run into her. As I stood up to leave a theatre, I looked to my left and there she was, seated three seats over. It took me a second to put a name to the face (thank you menopause, you brain-stealing bitch), but I recognized instantly that I'd seen that face somewhere before. When I could recall the name, I leaned over and said, "Excuse me. Aren't you Blogger-who-shall-remain-nameless?" She said yes and so I told her how I'd recognized her and said, "Great blog!" She looked decidedly uncomfortable, so I mumbled something I hoped sounded like a graceful exit and exited, stage left.
Now I'm left wondering if I should have just kept my mouth shut. I'm sure she was wondering just how big of a nutcase I was and whether or not she should brace herself to run.
What think you, fine denizens of the interwebs? WWTID*? Should you say hi to fellow bloggers IRL?
*what would TEH INTERWEBS do?