In the pharmacy. Checking out the sample-sized tubes of hand moisturizing cream with a view to purchasing some for my purse.
I select one... unscrew the top to see what it smells like (because I hate most perfumes) and it... explodes on to my favourite scarf... Well. That's embarrassing.
So I wipe it off with my hand and proceed to the make-up department to get a tissue... and I can't get the damn stuff wiped off. Three tissues later... it's still somehow squoozing back onto my hand. And my gloves, which I'm also holding.
Finally, get it contained. Decide to look at a Christmas gift pack of something and... get some kind of lipstick/lip gloss someone else has gotten on the tag on my finger.
WT??? Go through the same routine trying to divest myself of said cosmetological substance.
Colour me CLUMSY.